Common Art - Lighting and Rendering

Began rendering out with the sea horse model. Put in the recommended 3-point lighting (point light, area light, and sky dome) and arranged them around the figure. I limited the sky dome in most of these cases as it blew out the surroundings and took some focus away from the model. The point light I used for this was tinted slightly teal to compliment the orange tone I gave to the model.

The next one I rendered was the alien. I wanted to give it more of a glossy look, so I switched the material to blinn and gave it a darker green tint. Arranged the point light on the head piece and put the area light opposite. Adjusted the result slightly in Photoshop as the renders came out darker than anticipated.

For the frog monster, I stuck with using a lambert material and set up the same basic lighting around the model. I tinted the skin green and colored the base brown to emphasize the bust. I went softer overall on this lighting while still getting the wrinkle details.

Finally, the dreaded Lego ship needed to be rendered. I was (through some trial and error) able to export it into Maya. I had to adjust the materials into blinns rather than the default Phongs in order to get the colors to come across. It also helped give it the plastic feel with a strong reflection. Set up the lights and rendered it out:

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